Since we are in the U.S., what's the Moto scene like in the U.K?
Well, the motocross scene in the UK as I can imagine is fairly different for the U.S, first of all, because of how much rain we get. Hahaha. In all honesty, I think the U.S. have a slight advantage just due to the fact that there are far more tracks. England is where all the bigger races take place compared to Scotland.
You have had a lot of success, including 4 national championships. What's the secret to the sustained success that you have had?
I think the secret is determination and motivation. If it wasn't for my dad pushing me I wouldn't be the rider I am. Even through the bad races, he took the negative and taught me how to improve on them. You need to want it yourself. You have to do it for yourself or else there's no enjoyment. If you enjoy racing, then you're going to do a lot better in the sport.

There is no doubt that you are putting in the work both on and off the bike. What is your weekly training schedule?
If I've been racing during the weekend, Monday is usually bike wash day and unloading the van. Then, I have a training schedule made up by Him Baxter; who has me training in the gym three times a week. Every six weeks I have a fitness test to show me how I have improved over the last six weeks of my training. Friday is usually spent loading the van up and my dad driving to the track; then Saturday and Sunday are for riding.
A lot of ladies think that working out makes them "bulky"so they don't want to push it. What would be your response to that?
Being too 'bulky' is something I was really cautious of when I was going to the gym. But if you want to have a successful motocross career, you have to be in the gym. If that means being muscular, then it has to been done, and there is nothing to be ashamed of.
A good diet always gets you the best out of training. Can you give us a few tips that help you stay on track?
In all honesty, I do enjoy a cheat day, but my advice would be to not drink fizzy drinks and lots of high sugar snacks as all the hard work you done in the gym can just be ruined. Keep yourself on a schedule and try and stick to it. If you can, don't have a cheat day every week, and, especially when you're riding, be sure to keep hydrated.

You have been racing since you were only 4 years old. What is the biggest setback or injury that you have had? What made you decide to keep racing?
My biggest set back to date was in May, 2016 when I was riding at a club round at Elgin, and I hit a table top. At the other side I hit the banking and got chucked off the bike. I got up and tried to shake it off, took a lot of deep breathes, and got back on the bike to finish the race. When I got back to the van and sat down I just couldn't move; I was in agony. I was taken to the hospital, and after roughly 4 hours of X-Rays I had found out I had broken my back and a few ribs; which wasn't the best news. Being off the bike for 4 months was hard and probably one of the most boring times I've had. Nothing was going to stop me competing in motocross, though.

What would you say to other ladies out there that think dirt bikes are cool, but are too scared to give it a try, themselves?
There's nothing to be scared of! As long as you learn how to control a motorbike and understand the basics, then you'll be fine. More women and young girls need to get into the sport since it is so male dominated, and I don't think being scared should set you back from doing it.
When you line up on the gate, what's going through your head?
When lining up at the gate I do get nervous and get butterflies, but it only seems to be when I race other girls. I get so pumped up to the point where I'm not nervous. You sit at the gate and all that's going through your head is 'when is that gate going to drop,' and you just concentrate so much that you get such a buzz when the gate drops.
What are the biggest pointers that you could give to beginner riders?
Don't give up! Don't let a few falls or stalls set you back. Be determined and know that you can do it. I remember my first race in a stubble field, and we started it out just for fun. I had never foreseen myself being at the stage I am at now. It's nice to see that hard work and wanting something does get you somewhere.
What are the first things you do to new bike to make it work well for you?
Suspension is the first thing we get sorted on the bike every time, and we're usually changing the where the clutch and front brake levers are so it's comfortable for my hands. Then I ride it and make adjustments along the way. Then comes the graphics, tires, chains, sprockets, and all the fancy little bits, but they don't matter if you don't feel comfortable on the bike.
